E-ISSN 2579-0536
P-ISSN 2695-2696
VOL. 7 NO. 2 2024

Antimicrobial Activities and Phytochemical Properties of Mango Leaves Extract (Mangiferaindica)

Aisha, B.M., Abdullahi, M., Abdallah, H.Y., Yusuf, S.K., Maliki, H.S., Musa, F., Shuaibu, M.H.


The increasing need for antimicrobial therapeutics and the increasing rate of antibiotics resistant strains of pathogens has made the discovery of alternatives imperative, the cost of drugs and proliferation of fake drugs have force the need for thorough investigation of natural sources of new bioactive molecules to overcome this resistance problem. Mango (Mangiferaindica) plant has been used by traditional medicine practitioners to treat diseases. M. indicacontains tannin, magnilerin, flavonoid, Saponin, Alkaloids, Sterols, Cardiac glycosides. This study was to determine effective concentration of aqueous and ethanolic leaves extracts effect against S. aureus and E. coli using Kirby-Bauer Diffusion Methods. Amoxicillin was used as positive control. Aqueous extract had better potency against S. aureus at all concentrations and as effective as Amoxycillinat 62.5mg/ml whileethanolic extract was not effective at 62.5mg/ml.Ethanolicextract had a better potency between the two extracts against E. coli, Amoxicillinhad similar effect of 20mm with 250mg/ml of ethanolic extract. This shows that higher concentration of M.indica leaf extract is required to be effective against E coli than S. aureus. M. indica leaf extract can be used to treat infectious diseases such as bacteremia that are caused by these two organisms.


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