E-I SSN 2545-5265
P- ISSN 2695-1916
VOL. 10 NO. 2 2024

Evaluation of Background Ionizing Radiation Level in Some Science Laboratories in Federal College of Education Yola

Mgbemere. C.J, Avwiri. G.O. and Ononugbo. C. P.


Radiation has always been present and is all around us. Life has evolved in a world containing significant levels of ionizing radiation. Our bodies are adopted to it. Background exposure from normal levels of the naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORMS) are present in all environmental materials and do not vary remarkably from place to place. Where human activities (Laboratory activities, pollution mining and others) have increased the relative concentration of the radionuclides, they are referred to as the technologically enhanced naturally occurring radioactive materials. Certain types of building materials are known to be radioactive. Exposure to indoor ionizing radiation like exposure to any other type of ionizing radiation results in critical health challenges. The aim of this research work is to determine the level of indoor and outdoor ionizing radiation in some science laboratories in federal college of education, Yola, These science laboratories usually harbour a number of active radiation sources. The ionizing radiation levels were measured using gamma scout (model GS2 with serial number, for the data collection 20 readings were taking for indoor and outdoor and the data measured were read on the display screen of the gamma-scout device. The gamma-scout hand held device was used obtained data for the study was adjusted to detect the alpha, beta and gamma types of radiation in µSv/hr. The mean equivalent dose rate per hour for indoor background ionizing radiation for the laboratories was found to be 0.012mSv/hr while the outdoor was 0.084µSv/hr. The mean annual equivalent dose rate of the laboratories ware compute for indoor and outdoor background radiation level to be 0.013mSv/yr and 0.22mSv/yr respectively, and it concluded that all the science laboratories in the study are in a good proportion below the world wide average dose of 2.4mSv/ was recommended that periodic me


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