E-ISSN 2504-6145
P-ISSN 2695-2459
VOL. 10 NO. 2 2024

Isolation and Identification of Fungi Associated with the Spoilage of Smoked Fish

Idris, H.A., Maliki, H.S., Mustapha, F.A., Aisha,M.B., Maidawa, G.L., Okoye,C.I., Ogbu, L.C., Yusuf,S.K.


Smoked catfish (Clariasgariepinus) is one of the most popular types, of fish products sold in Bidamarkets, Niger state, Nigeria. A research is conducted on the smoked catfish vended in the markets with the aim of providing firsthand information on the safety issues associated with the consumption of this fish. A total of five (5) samples were collected from (5) different locations in Bida. The samples were analyzed using pour plate method on SabourgaudDextrose Agar (SDA) to determine fungal isolates. The isolates were characterized by macroscopic and microscopic characteristics. The result from this study revealed a highest mean fungal count of 9l.0±5.566CFU/mL from smoked catfish obtained from Old market. The least fungal count of 48.0±11.31CFU/mL was found from the smoked fish obtained from Big gate. The result also revealed the presence of five different fungal species associated with the smoked catfish samples with Aspergillusniger as the most prevalent 30.7%, followed by Aspergillusglaucus 21.2%, Rhizomucorsp 19.2%, Trichophytontansurans 15.3% and Mucorsp were the least abundant fungal species on the smoked catfish accounted for 13.5% each. The present level of fungal contamination of the smoked catfish can probably be either due to the level of moisture in the smoked catfish or unhygienic handling. Attention of the healthcare providers and the authorities concerned is therefore needed towards orienting the retailers and the consumers towards proper methods of storing such smoked fish, and that the consumers have to properly boil the fish before consumption.


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