E-ISSN 2504-6145
P-ISSN 2695-2459
VOL. 10 NO. 2 2024

Isolation and Identification of Fungi Associated with Deteriorated Cocoyam

Abubakar, Z.I., Idris, H.A., Maliki, H.S., Mustapha, F.A., Abdallah, H.Y., Aisha, M.B., Ogbu, L.C ., Yusuf,S.K.


One of the food crops which provides plenty yield of root and foliage is known as cocoyam. Fungal species are paramount causative agents responsible for the spoilage of Cocoyam. This study seeks to identify various Fungi associated with deterioration of cocoyam. Samples of the Cocoyam were obtained from three markets within Bida local government in Niger state. The markets include; small market, old market (Etsu Musa) and New market (Gwadabe). A total of 30 tubers were collected, ten from each market. Enumeration technique was carried out using pour plate method to isolate the fungi causing spoilage. From the results obtained a total of five fungal were isolated using Potato DextroseAgar and identified as:Aspergillusfiavus, AspergillusnigerMucorracemosus, Rhizopusstolonfer and Rhizopousoryzae. The most prevalent was Aspergillusflavus 42.5% and Mucorracemosus with less than 10%. The highest fungal count was recorded at Old market (Etsu Musa) 4.3 x 10 6 and lowest fungal load was recorded at Gwadabe(New market) 1.2x 10 4 . The fungal species isolated in this study are said to be pathogenic and cause spoilage of Colocasiaesculenta. Their presence poses a threat to consumers and economic loss to farmers. This study has raised a concern over public health risk associates with consumption of deteriorated Cocoyam. Proper storage, packaging, handling with good transportation should be taken to reduce the occurrence and deterioration of Cocoyam by these fungi.


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