E-ISSN 2545-5303
P-ISSN 2695-2203
VOL. 2 NO. 1 2016

Impact of Celebrity Endorsements on Brand Loyalty in Soft Drink Products

Ikegwuru Mac-Kingsley and Kalu S.E


Purpose- The purpose of this paper is to explore the linkage between the attributes of celebrity endorsements and brand loyalty and the behavioral components of these attributes within the consumers of soft drink products in the Nigerian Tertiary institutions. Design/Methodology/approach- A quantitative approach was employed using 22-item, four point likert scaled questionnaire administered to 435 participants with 87 percent useable response rate. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, Cronbach’s alpha internal consistency; Spearmans correlation analysis and Regression analysis. Findings- Attractiveness emerged as the most outstanding attributes of celebrity endorsements within the soft drink industry context, followed by expertise, and trustworthiness. Attractiveness, expertise and trustworthiness were found to have a strong positive influence on brand loyalty. Research Limitations/ Implications – the findings could not be generalized across other sectors and regions, therefore guides for testing the proposed research model was provided. Practical Implications –celebrity endorsements within the soft drink sector will be more successful, if soft drink companies integrate the antecedents of celebrity endorsements identified in the study in their marketing strategies in order to develop unique and superior marketing communication programmes that will enhance brand loyalty. Originality /Value –This paper identified 3 attributes that are significant to soft drink consumers, attractiveness, expertise and trustworthiness. The findings are acknowledged to be unique because they emerged from a largely under-researched collectivist emerging market where celebrity endorsement is key.


Attractiveness, Brand Loyalty, Celebrity Endorsements, Expertise, Trustworthiness. Paper type – Research paper


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