E- ISSN 2489-009X
P- ISSN 2695-1908
VOL. 10 NO. 1 2024
U.C. Amadi
In investigating the computational approach of predicting the concentration of flucloxacillin drug in the body compartments and its response to dosage over time at time interval 0:5:240, was carried out computationally using MATLAB ODE45. From the various results output, we observed that on the based day of our experimental time here called the initial condition, the amount of complete solvent in the body compartment N1 is recorded as zero (0) in content whereas the gentamicin concentration (the active mass) in the body compartment N2 records zero (0) amount as well.Furthermore, when the time ranges from five (5 mins) up to fifty five (55mins), the concentration which is the active mass that is being used up increased down the trend from a value of 7.9 unit up to a value of 12.3 unitwhen the time is fifty five (55mins), whereas the amount of substance containing the syrup mixture in the stomach compartment ranges from 94.2mg at the fifth (5th ) minutes, and increases down the trend up to 517.3mg at the fifty five (55mins). Furthermore, when the time ranges from one hundred and eighty five minutes (185 mins) up to two hundred and forty minutes (240mins), the concentration which is the active mass that is being used up maintain a constant value of 12.4 unit down the trend as it saturation value on convergence at the two hundred and forty minutes (240mins), whereas the amount of substance containing the syrup mixture in the stomach compartment ranges from 1486.6mg at the 185th minutes, and increases down the trend up to 1895.9mg at the 240th minutes. This observation will serve as a guide for a proper monitoring of a patient by a physician for its response to dosage and the active component of the gentamicin drug as that specific time. The full results and discussions of this investigation is well presented in this study.
livestock, cumulative density, methane gas, computational method, environment.
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