IIARD International Journal of Economics and Business Management (IJEBM )

E-ISSN 2489-0065
P-ISSN 2695-186X
VOL. 2 NO. 8 2016

Impact of Job Satisfaction on Performance of Non- Academic Staff of Bauchi State University Gadau: The Moderating Effect of Physical Working Environment

Mohammed Inuwa and Abdullahi Muhammad


Organisations across the globe are being faced with lots of burning issues in regards employee performance enhancement. Creating motivational measures that are capable of enhancing employee job satisfaction is paramount to every organisation due to the fact that is brings about higher performance. However, the physical environment at which employee work is also believed to have a great deal on determining level of employee job satisfaction on performance of an employee. Previous studies however, concentrate more on the direct relationship between job satisfaction and employee performance with less emphasis on the moderating role of physical working environment. This study therefore, examines the impact of job satisfaction on the performance of non-academic staff of Bauchi state University Gadau Nigeria with physical working environment as the moderator variable. The non- academic staff of Bauchi state Univeristy play an important role towards achieving the goals and target of the Univeristy, which makes it important to conduct the study and device a means that will further enhance their performance. Therefore, a total number of two hundred and seventy questionnaires were given out non- academic staff of BASUG using systematic random sampling and data collected is analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The result of the study finds that there is positive and significant relationship between job satisfactions on the performance of non- academic staff of the Univeristy. The findings further suggest that physical environment negatively moderate the relationship between job satisfaction and employee performance. One of the major factors limiting the study is the fact that is conducted in single University in Nigeria and the sampling size is not large enough to validate the study. On significance, the study will serve as a policy guide to the management of the Nigerian Universities in areas relating to employee performance improvement and it will a


Job satisfaction, Employee performance, Physical working environment.


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