E-I SSN 2545-5265
P- ISSN 2695-1916
VOL. 10 NO. 1 2024
DOI: 10.56201/ijccp.v10.no1.2024.pg22.60

Characterisation of Raw and Recovered Electronic Waste Metal Oxides from Computer Village, Ogbunabali, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Gbarakoro, S. L., Konne, J. L., Boisa, N. and Bull, O. S.


Electronic wastes such as batteries, cell phones, laptops, radios and televisions obtained from electronic shops and dumpsites in Port Harcourt, Nigeria were dismantled, crushed, incinerated, pulverized, sieved and extracted. The powdered and dried e-waste samples as well as metal oxides found in both raw and recovered e-wastes were characterized using appropriate methods. The XRD patterns showed the major mineral phases as quartz, alumina, alumina, calcite, quartz, quartz, quartz, cassiterite, quartz and quartz for raw samples respectively and halite, vallerite, manganite, thenardite, calcium hydroxide, chalcopyrite, gibbsite, sylvine sodian, and gibbsite for recovered samples respectively. The SEM micrographs demonstrated noticeable morphological differences among the samples. The surface morphology also showed smaller particle sizes as well as large particle sizes of 20µm. The results of FTIR confirmed the finger print regions of the major mineral phases. The EDXRD analysis for composition of metal oxides showed SnO2 (5.30%), Al2O3, (27.87%), Al2O3, (14.22 %), CaO (23.41 %), CuO (52.47 %), Fe2O3 (14.31 %), Co3O4 (56.37 %), SnO2 (11.44 %), Co3O4 (7.74 %) and Fe2O3 (17.12 %) as the highest metal oxides for raw samples and Al2O3, (10.85 %), Fe2O3 (26.96 %), CuO (66.89 %), CaO (17.39 %), Co3O4 (26.70 %), Co3O4 (45.77 %), Fe2O3 (10.39 %), Al2O3, (63.67 %), MgO (4.92 %), and Al2O3 (29.68 %), as the highest metal oxides for recovered samples .Some metal oxides that were found in the raw components were found to be absent or non-crystalline in the recovered compounds. The characterization of e-waste components could be conducted in order to reveal the correlation between toxic substances in e-waste and recovery (treatment) strategies.

Characterisation, Metal Oxides, E-waste, XRD, EDXRF


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