Journal of Accounting and Financial Management (JAFM )

E-ISSN 2504-8856
P-ISSN 2695-2211
VOL. 10 NO. 2 2024

Determinants of Human Capital Cost Under IFRS Structure: Evidence from Consumer Goods Firms in Nigeria

Iduh A. Melvin, Ogbada, E. Ikwa², PhD, FCCA, MTMN, Prof. Okafor, M. Chidebere, PhD, FCIB, FCA


The study examined the determinants of human capital cost under the IFRS Structures in the consumer goods firms in Nigeria. The specific objectives were to determine the effect of firm size on the IFRS structure of the firms, to ascertain the effect of the leverage on the IFRS structures in the firms, to examine the effect of firm’s age on the IFRS structure of the firms, to ascertain the effect of return on asset on the IFRS structure of the firms. The study adopted the ex-post facto research design. The population of the study comprises all the twenty (20) listed consumer goods companies in Nigeria as the time of this study. The study considered availability of the companies’ financial statements to adopt two (2) companies for the study. They are, Dangote Flour Mill Nigeria Plc and Nestle Nigeria Plc. The study further adopted multiple regression. The findings of the study revealed that firm size has positive and significant effect on the IFRS structure of the firms, leverage has positive and significant effect on the IFRS structure of the firms, firm’s age has positive and significant effect on the IFRS structure of the firms, and return on asset has positive and significant effect on the IFRS structure of the firms. It study recommended that management of the companies under study should continue to promote policies that will increase the firms’ size.


Human Capital Cost, IFRS Structure, Return on Asset, Firm Size and Leverage


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