E-ISSN 2545-5303
P-ISSN 2695-2203
VOL. 10 NO. 1 2024

Talent Management and Organizational Innovation in Nigeria’s Procurement Industry

Laguo Livingstone Gilbert & Donald Ozemenbhoya Ewanlen


Literature is replete with several studies on talent management in corporations. This study sought to examine talent management practices in Nigeria’s procurement industry. In particular this paper is poised are to ascertain the extent talent attraction, development and retention influences organizational innovation. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. The population of study comprise of all the procurement managers in Lagos state while the accessible population are the procurement managers and officers in Ikeja business district of Lagos state, Nigeria. The collated data were presented in tables, analyzed with descriptive statistic mean, standard deviation and the formulated hypotheses tested with inferential statistics One way Analysis of variance, Pearson Correlation analysis and multi linear regression at 5% level of significance. This study found that firms efforts at attracting and retaining employees exhibits a positive significant relationship with organizational innovation. Similarly, this study reports a positive but insignificant relationship between firm’s talent development efforts and innovation. Sequel to these findings, this study conclude that talent management has strong influence on organizational innovation. These findings suggest that thorough identification, development, utilization and retention of talents has the capacity to result in greater level of innovation. This study recommends that management of corporations should among other things align their talent management practices with business processes while identifying the factors that hinder employee attraction as well as those that negate the retention of high caliber employees.


: Talent Attraction, Talent Development, Talent Retention, Process Innovation Organizations Development


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