E-ISSN 2579-0544
P-ISSN 2695-2483
VOL. 9 NO. 1 2024

Impact of Innovation and Leadership Culture on Entrepreneurial Competitiveness and Sustainability: A Study of Selected SMES In South-South Nigeria

Udoyiu, E. U., Emerole, G.A (Ph.D), Okebaram, S.M (Ph.D), & Ikoro, I. E (Ph.D)


The study focused on the effect of innovation and leadership culture on entrepreneurial competitiveness and sustainability: A study of selected SMEs in South-South, Nigeria. The specific objectives sought to achieve in this study, included to: ascertain the effect of innovation culture on entrepreneurial competitiveness of selected SMEs in South-South Nigeria and establish the effect of leadership culture on entrepreneurial sustainability of selected SMEs in South-South Nigeria. A survey research design was adopted for the study. The study had a population size of 1632, out of which a sample size of 321 was realized using Taro Yamanes’s formula at 5% error tolerance and 95% level of confidence. The instrument used for data collection was primarily questionnaire. Though out of 321 copies of the questionnaire that were distributed, 298 copies were returned while 23 were not returned. The questionnaire were analyzed using Likert scale and tabulation. The hypotheses were tested using Regression and Pearson Product Moment Correlation statistical tools. The findings indicate that there is significant effect of innovation culture on entrepreneurial competitiveness of selected SMEs in South-South Nigeria and there is significant effect of leadership culture on Entrepreneurial sustainability of selected SMEs in South-South Nigeria. The study recommended that owners of SMEs should constantly embrace all forms of effective revolutionary trends and self-belief in building innovation culture and molding intended behavior regardless of the situations or environmental conditions to improve on entrepreneurial competitiveness as well as that SMEs in conjunction with the government should continually encourage in human capacity building that will capture dynamism nature refinement and molding in order to help them improve entrepreneurial leadership traits inherent for better sales performance and


Culture, Innovation, Leadership, Entrepreneurial Competitiveness, Entrepreneurial Sustainability.


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