E-ISSN 2545-5699
P-ISSN 2695-1924
VOL. 9 NO. 5 2023

Mitigating Malicious Software Threat in Cloud Computing Models Using-Multi-Factor-Authentication-in-Cloud-Computing

Oguji Francis Chikezie., Amanze B.C., Agbakwuru O.A & Agbasonu V.C


This paper mitigating malicious software threat in the cloud computing models is on securing cloud computing platforms. Cloud storage providers store the data in multiple servers maintained by hosting companies. This increases the risk of unauthorized access to the private data. Even though the cloud continues to gain popularity in usability and attraction, the problems lies with data confidentiality, loss of control, lack of trust, data theft and the fact that user data is stored in unencrypted format. This can subject the data to malicious software threats. This paper focuses on malicious software threats presented by cloud service providers. Using encryption techniques and intrusion detection system, the risk of unauthorized access can be controlled. In the proposed methodology, a user encrypts files with secret keys before uploading them into the cloud. Once encrypted, the file is stored in an encrypted format in the cloud. For a user to download files form the cloud, the file owner first accepts a request by an authorized user, and an application server provides an Access key. Using an access key, a user downloads data and uses a secret key to convert cipher text into a plain text. This technique ensures end-to-end encryption and completely hides the data from cloud service providers hence maintain confidentiality. Implementation involved building an encryption application algorithm, for deployment on the user computer. The system is simulated using a web-system developed with PHP, MySQL and JavaScript. The System design followed the OODM methodology. The software performance was tested using speed of data retrieval and security of the data protection. The security looks at the ability of the system to determine fraudulent users and deny them access to the system. The result obtained from the new system developed shows a high level of data security level as compare to existing system that uses only password for authentication.


Multi-factor authentication, Cloud computing Platforms, Data Protection and Software Threats.


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