E-ISSN 2545-5966
P-ISSN 2695-1932
VOL. 8 NO. 8 2023
Ogonu, Gibson Chituru, Nwankwo, Greg Chigemecha
The study examined the relationship between Brand capability and Customer loyalty of Food and Beverages in Port Harcourt. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey investigation. The population of this study comprised Twenty-Three (23) registered Food and Beverages firms in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. However, six senior managers of General Manager, Advertising Manager and Marketing Manager and three Supervisors were drawn from each of these firms giving sample size of 138.138 managers from Twenty- Three (23) registered food and Beverages firms in Rivers State were served copies of the questionnaire, out of which 132 of the copies of questionnaire were duly completed and retrieved and used for the data analysis. The hypotheses for this study were analyzed using Spearman Rank Order Correlation Coefficient statistical tool and aided using Statistics Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25. The study found that brand competence has significant and positive impact with customer loyalty. In conclusion, the empirical studies reviewed provide evidence for the positive relationship between brand competence and customer loyalty across various industries. Based on the findings, the study concluded that brand competence has a significant impact on customer loyalty. A strong brand competence that resonates with the target market can lead to higher levels of loyalty with respect to repeat purchase and positive word of mouth. Therefore, the study recommended that food and beverage firms in Port Harcourt should adopt brand competence in their dealings with customers to enable them to enhance in their operational and loyalty to the organization. It should also emphasize on the brand competence and the adequacy of such systems given the importance of such in enhancing the repeat purchase and word of mouth.
Brand Capability, Customer Loyalty, Repeat Purchase, Positive Word-of-Mouth
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