IIARD International Journal of Economics and Business Management (IJEBM )

E-ISSN 2489-0065
P-ISSN 2695-186X
VOL. 9 NO. 10 2023

Exploring the influence of Work Environment on Employees' Commitment in Selected Oil Servicing Firms in Rivers State, Nigeria

Orok A. Imagha, PhD, Ubong A. Akpaetor, Samuel V. Akpan, PhD, Ebiere U. Atakpo


The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of work environment on employees’ commitment in selected oil servicing firms in Rivers State, Nigeria. Survey research design was employed for this study. Population for the study was 1243 employees of Dove well oilfield service limited, Juva-oil sevice Nigeria limited, Ocean-tides oil and gas and Flonex limited. 303 was arrive at as sample size. This was gotten using Taro Yamene’s formulae for sample size determination. Data was majorly from primary source in which questionnaire was the instrument for data collection. Descriptive and inferential statistical tool were employed in analyzing the data collected. Descriptive statistics was used in analyzing the demographic part while Inferential which was Simple linear and multiple regression statistical tool were used in the test of hypotheses. Findings showed an R2 of 0.498 which implies that 49.8% of the changes in employees’ physical environment influences employees’ commitment. It was also revealed that R2 of 0.615 implies that 61.5% of the changes in workplace interpersonal relationship influences the changes in employees’ commitment. Equally, findings showed an R2 of 0.423 which implies that 42.3% of the changes in employees’ technical environment influences employees’ commitment in selected oil servicing firms in Rivers State, Nigeria. Conclusively, employees’ commitment is vital to every organisation. Where commitment is lacking, corporate goals tend to difficult to be realized. Based on this, it is recommended that workplace interpersonal relationship should be given attention by policy makers in the oil servicing firms. Also, technical environment should be given attention through the provision of work tools and resources


Work Environment, Employees’ Commitment, Oil Servicing Firms


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