E-ISSN 2545-5303
P-ISSN 2695-2203
VOL. 9 NO. 11 2023

Natural Resource Conflict: An Appraisal of Rumuekpe Oil and Gas Conflict

Agboola, Samuel Tajudeen, Dr Gbenemene Kpae


This study examined the oil and gas conflict in the Rumuekpe community in Emohua Local Government Area, Rivers State. The objective was to interrogate the relationship between oil and gas and conflict and its impact on Rumuekpe community. Frustration and Aggression theory and Resource Curse thesis were used as the theoretical frameworks. Methodologically, the study relied on qualitative data obtained from Key Informant Interviews (KIIs), and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and supplemented the information by secondary data. The study found that the destruction of lives and property was a major consequence of natural resource conflict in Rumuekpe. The study also found that the conflict in Rumuekpe community was caused by the failure of oil companies and the government to respond to the developmental needs of the people. It also found that the divide-and-rule tactics of oil companies were what fuelled conflict in the community. The study concluded that oil-bearing communities will continue to lack meaningful development, provided oil companies continue their divide-and- rule tactics. It therefore recommended the strict enforcement and implementation of the Host Community Development Trust (HCDT) under the new Petroleum Industry Act (PIA) between oil companies and communities as this will translate into sustainable development. It also recommended that community members should use dialogue in the resolution of disputes rather than resorting to violence.

Oil & Gas, Exploitation, Rumuekpe Community and Conflict


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ISSN 2504-3597

