E-ISSN 2545-5729
P-ISSN 2695 2416
VOL. 9 NO. 3 2023

Explorations in Curriculum Studies: The “Why” Of Curriculum Inquiry, The “What” Of Curriculum Inquiry, The Current State of Curriculum Inquiry and the ‘Curricular’ In Curriculum Inquiry

Andrews Acquah, Dorothy Morgan Zar, Theophilus Eshun


In this paper we discussed comprehensively, the; “why” of curriculum inquiry, “what” of curriculum inquiry, current state of curriculum inquiry and the “curricular” in curriculum inquiry. When discussing the question of the “why”, the next best alternative that comes to mind is the “rationale”. In another breath, we are referring to the very foundations of the curriculum. In this direction the “why” of curriculum inquiry relates unswervingly to the coming together of ideas that seek to provide comprehensive answers to the intent of the curriculum. Paying attention to the “what” of curriculum inquiry, we referred to the curriculum domains or processes such as policy making, development of the curriculum, evaluation, change in the curriculum, decision making, activities or fields of study, and forms and language of inquiry to be the subject matter of curriculum inquiry. In the same light, we discussed the two main types of curriculum inquiry namely; the guided inquiry and the open inquiry. Following that we discussed the “current state of curriculum inquiry. It was realized that the three categories constitute the broad fields of curriculum inquiry; however, they are curricular in differing ways. Curriculum inquiry is therefore practical research centrally concerned with the inner work or real-world practice of schooling within the societal, institutional and instructional context in which schools are situated and function. It is a prescriptive undertaking whose ultimate purpose is centered on the advancement of schooling. Therefore, curriculum subject matters, curriculum development, curriculum evaluation, curriculum implementation, curriculum policy development and analysis are always the key topics and pre-occupations of curriculum inquiry.


Curriculum, Curriculum Inquiry, Curriculum Studies, Curriculum Development


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