IIARD International Journal of Economics and Business Management (IJEBM )

E-ISSN 2489-0065
P-ISSN 2695-186X
VOL. 2 NO. 8 2016

Employees Motivation and Organizational Effectiveness with Respect to Diversification of Nigeria’s Economy & Contemporary Challenges

Amuche Agbo Peter, Hussaina Idiaro Taiwo, & Q. R. A. Utomi


The purpose of this paper is to identify the factors that affect employee motivation and examining the relationship between employee motivation and organizational effectiveness and by extension the diversification of the Nigerian economy. The need to diversify the economy of Nigeria today has become more pronounce as a result of the recession being experienced. For this to come through, the effective performance of organizations driven by motivated employees cannot be overemphasized. This paper adopted a survey design by using structured questionnaires, modified 4 point linker scale at obtaining primary data from randomly selected sample of 60 respondents comprising of 12 principals and 48 teachers from 12 secondary schools of 3 local government areas within Kaduna metropolis. The sample was purposely selected to meet the goal of this paper. Conclusion; It is therefore concluded that increasing pay, promotion, recognition, open communication, freedom to take decision, praise given to employees can to a great extent motivate them to work extra hard in ensuring goals are achieved. Recommendation follows the findings thus: the need for diversification in the midst of present challenges could be tackled if teachers that are imparting directly on the younger ones could be motivated adequately and fairly through orientations such as the present slogan of government “change begins with me”


Basic Salary, Recognition, Motivation, Organizational Effectiveness, Contemporary Challenges.


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