E-ISSN 2504-6145
P-ISSN 2695-2459
VOL. 9 NO. 3 2023

Effect of Soybean Flour Addition on the Proximate Composition, Functional and Pasting Properties of Soy-Poundo Yam Flour

J. I. Nwodo and J. I. Okoye


The nutrition of the people of developing countries is a major public health problem that has challenged breeders to enhance the nutritional quality of preferred and commonly consumed staple crops such as yam. This study, therefore aimed at evaluating the effect of soybean flour addition on the proximate, functional and pasting properties of soy-poundo yam flours. The yam flour was substituted with soybean flour at varying proportions (100:0, 90:10, 80:20, 70:30, 60:40 and 50:50) and used to produce more nutritionally balanced products (soy-poundo yam flours). The samples of soy-poundo yam flour obtained were evaluated for proximate, functional and pasting properties using standard methods with 100% instant yam used as control. The moisture, crude protein, fat, ash and crude fibre contents of the samples increased significantly (p<0.05) with increase in substitution of soybean flour from 7.56 - 8.36%, 4.41 – 21.14%, 4.18- 5.09%, 2.51- 4.16% and 2.76 - 4.06%, respectively, while their carbohydrate and energy contents decreased from 78.74-57.21% and 370.16- 359.15KJ/100g, respectively. The functional properties of the samples also showed that the bulk density, swelling capacity, water absorption capacity, oil absorption capacity, foam and gelation capacities ranged from 4.03–4.94g/ml, 3.77–4.64%, 21.73-101.64ml/g, 1.37-2.35ml/g, 38.76-97.18% and 32.42 -81.65%, respectively. The samples substituted with 50% soybean flour recorded the highest values in all the functional properties evaluated with the exception of bulk density and water absorption capacity which decreased from 4.94-4.03g/ml and 101.64 -21.73ml/g, respectively as the level of substitution of soybean flour increased. The pasting properties also showed that the peak, trough, breakdown, final and setback viscosities as well as the peak time and pasting temperature of the samples increased significantly (p<


Poundo Yam, Soybean Flour, Enrichment, Proximate Composition, Functional Properties, Pasting Properties


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