Journal of Accounting and Financial Management (JAFM )

E-ISSN 2504-8856
P-ISSN 2695-2211
VOL. 9 NO. 12 2023

Accounting Ethical Practices and Business Performance of Eateries in Port Harcourt Metropolis

Dr. Ikpesu, O. Christian & Mark, Samuel


The study examined accounting ethical practices and business performances of eateries in Port Harcourt metropolis with a population of 486 registered eatery businesses. However, sample of 196 was drawn using sample size table while self-structured instruments were constructed titled “Accounting Ethical Practices Questionnaire (AEPQ) and Ethical Standards for Business Performance Questionnaire (ESEPQ). The content validated instruments were subjected to reliability test. Cronbach Al Quantitative data collected were tested using Cronbach Alpha and coefficients of 0.83 and 0.85 have been obtained respectively. The instruments administered to respondents in their respective eateries and data gathered have been analyzed using Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient to determine empirical outcomes of the research questions and test hypotheses alongside using t-test transformation to determine the strength of significance of relationship among variables. The empirical evidences affirmed to large extent positive association between business integrity, objectivity of accounting and performance of eateries in Port harcourt metropolis. Based on the results, it was recommended among others that owners of eatery businesses should strengthen operational standards and continuously build up their ethical practices which hold major significant influence on performances of the businesses. Ethical practices and standards such as instituting organization’s ethical culture where top executives work by example as well as making employee sign legal undertaking for good conduct at work, educating staff about the consequences of un-ethical work behaviour. These practices would help to enforce high level ethical practices in organizations.


Ethics, Accounting Ethics, Ethical Practices, Integrity and Objectivity


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