E-ISSN 2545-5729
P-ISSN 2695 2416
VOL. 7 NO. 1 2021

Residents’ Post Occupancy Housing Satisfaction Among Various Dwellings

Ubani O J and Achi B


Housing is a basic human need, and architects frequently construct houses with the goal of providing people with pleasant and satisfying living places. However, there is a significant gap between design intended and post-occupancy satisfaction, owing to a failure to consider inhabitants' opinions during the design and building phases. This study looks into the elements that influence inhabitants' post-occupancy housing satisfaction in Enugu, as well as a variety of socio-cultural, architectural, and environmental factors that influence people' preferences. This study identifies various factors that significantly influence post-occupancy satisfaction through a comprehensive investigation of socioeconomic indicators and dwelling attributes. Building design, spatial arrangement, environmental circumstances, safety, and neighborhood features are all included in this list. The study identifies varied patterns of satisfaction among housing types, underlining the differing importance of specific characteristics. Notably, tenement dwellings prioritize access to utilities, building aesthetics, and housing conveniences, whereas bungalows prioritize security and solitude. Architectural and structural factors are important to block of flat residents, whereas duplex homeowners value house design, security, privacy, and comfort. Furthermore, this study emphasizes the impact of inhabitants' socioeconomic variables on postoccupancy satisfaction, such as age, income, and work status. These findings can help legislators, urban planners; architects, surveyors, and housing developers address urban housing difficulties. Tailoring housing solutions for different housing types based on recognized satisfaction variables might improve people' overall well-being and quality of life in cities like Enugu


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