E- ISSN 2756-5807
P- ISSN 2695-2408
VOL. 4 NO. 1 2023

A Synergy Approach as A Viable Option for Small-Scale Tourism Development and Economic Diversification of Massange, Marhai and Yashi Communities of Nasarawa State, Nigeria

Yaro, Obadiah Otso, Angbashim, Bridget Bitrus


The objective of this research is to identify tourism resources of Nasarawa state, investigate its potential benefits as alternative sources of income to local communities in the study area, and to show how small-scale tourism activities can be coordinated productively in the study area in order to fill the gap created in some previous work of similar nature. This work puts economic development in proper perspective as a shared role. It therefore explores the concept of economic diversification as it relates to low-income economies by calling on the government of Nasarawa State and the private sector as well as the local communities concern to harness the existing tourism potentials in their domain through public-private partnership strategy of development. Adequate and reliable information relating to this study were sourced from library and internet resources, tourism sites visit and inspection, questionnaire and interview. Data were then analyzed descriptively with the aid of distribution tables and charts. Meanwhile job openings to the locals and declining rural-urban migration are among the expected potential benefits of this work. This paper also recommends cooperative approach as a viable option for small-scale tourism development, and as an innovation and departure from the old conventional tourism development. More importantly too, small-scale tourism is emphasized deliberately so as to keep tourism development low to the levels that the environment can carry.


Synergy, Development, Diversification, Local communities, Potentials, Small-scale


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