E-ISSN 2545-5737
P-ISSN 2695-2165
VOL. 8 NO. 4 2023

Healthcare Policy and its Effect on Healthcare Delivery in Nigeria

OBOT, Blessing Anietie


This paper looked at the Nigerian health sector's current difficulties and challenges in service delivery. It also attempted to identify the effect of the issues and challenges on the Nigerian citizens' health condition. The article used secondary data to elicit facts and information about difficulties, challenges, and problems related to healthcare delivery in Nigeria by examining literatures. A screening technique was used to select the literature for this study. First, based on the topic and goal of the paper, a search was conducted. Second, using the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the title and abstract of potentially relevant articles were reviewed, and those with similar contents were utilized for the paper. The findings of the paper indicated that constellation of social, economic and environmental issues are being faced from hospitals, ranging from brain drain, low pay, outmoded infrastructure, inadequate medical facilities and underfunding of the hospitals. In addition, there are insufficient health policies to address these issues. The research also found that, despite the existence of numerous policies, none have been successfully applied to address these serious issues. The implication of the paper is that it is a relevant call for action in the health sector and practicable through an initial vulnerability assessment of the health sector and political support will be essential in driving policy by ensuring appropriate sanctions against corrupt practices were necessary to produce a measurable impact. Strategic initiatives, such as redesigning Primary Health Centers (PHCs) and emphasizing the supply of the basic minimum package through national and state-driven insurance schemes, are crucial in bridging policy gaps


Health, healthcare, healthcare delivery, health policies, government, Nigeria etc.


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