Journal of Accounting and Financial Management (JAFM )

E-ISSN 2504-8856
P-ISSN 2695-2211
VOL. 9 NO. 10 2023

The Impact of Currency Redenomination on Economic Development

Okey Okoro Udo, Edward Perekebina Agbai


Currency redenomination, a strategic monetary intervention, involves recalibrating the nominal value of a nation's currency without affecting its inherent purchasing power. While often misconceived as a tactic solely to counter hyperinflation, redenomination also serves to streamline financial processes and can signal broader economic policy shifts. Its impact on economic development is multifaceted. On one hand, redenomination can enhance operational efficiency in financial transactions and reporting, potentially fostering an environment conducive to business growth and economic expansion. Additionally, it can serve as a robust signaling mechanism, portraying a nation's commitment to fiscal responsibility, thus potentially attracting foreign investment. However, the transition also poses challenges, including costs associated with system adjustments, public perception management, and potential disruptions in international trade relations. Furthermore, the psychological implications on savings and investments can influence consumer behavior, with potential repercussions on domestic economic activities. Properly navigated, currency redenomination can be a catalyst for economic development, but its success largely hinges on meticulous planning, strategic communication, and effective stakeholder engagement. Given these multifaceted implications, governments must prudently manage redenomination, recognizing its expansive influence on various economic sectors. This study endeavors to explore the complex interplay and consequences of currency redenomination, referencing specific instances from varied economic terrains.


Currency redenomination, Economic policy shift, Hyperinflation, Monetary policy, economic development.


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