E-ISSN 2504-6145
P-ISSN 2695-2459
VOL. 9 NO. 2 2023

Optimizing the Fermentation of Banana (Musa acuminate) and Soursop (Annona muricate) Juice for Table Wine Production: A Response Surface Approach.

Obiesie, C., Barber, L.I., Akusu, O.M., Kiin-Kabari, D


The objective of this work was to optimize the mixture components of banana, soursop juice and sugar in the process conditions of time and inoculum size, as it affects pH and specific gravity in wine production, using combine optimal design in response surface methodology (RSM). High alcohol tolerant yeast was isolated from raffia palm wine, characterized and used for the fermentation process. The fitted regression model for the response variables were significant (p<0.05). Pure error sum of squares for pH and specific gravity (SG) were respectively 0.0677 and 0.0018, with non-significant lack-of-fit (p>0.05). Coefficient of variation (CV) values were 2.90 and 2.17% for pH and SG, respectively. Coefficient of determination (R2) for both models were significantly high, with values of 99.41 and 97.84 %, respectively for pH and specific gravity. Adequate precession values were significantly high (19.08 and 8.92). Predicted optimum condition and desirability index was 0.856, obtained respectively at 58.3, 20.0 and 21.7 % banana, soursop and sugar mix, and 2.70 % inoculum size fermented for 7 days. This optimum condition is recommended for wine production from fruit tropical juices.


Fermentation, Banana, Soursop, Wine, Optimization


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