IIARD International Journal of Economics and Business Management (IJEBM )
E-ISSN 2489-0065
P-ISSN 2695-186X
VOL. 9 NO. 7 2023
Poazi, Francis Deinmodei W. (PhD), Kuroakegha Bio Basuo (PhD)
Knowledge management comprises the processes of knowledge acquisition, knowledge sharing, and knowledge application that an organization employs to recognize and record knowledge, lessons learned, or best practices This study set out to ascertain the significance of knowledge management and organizational quality service delivery; a survey of selected fast food outlets in Yenagoa metropolis, Bayelsa state. To this end, a descriptive survey research design methodology was applied to scrutinize and give analytical views on existing works of literature and concepts surrounding the role the significance of knowledge management and organizational quality service delivery; a survey of selected fast food outlets in Yenagoa metropolis, Bayelsa state. Knowledge acquisition and organizational innovativeness have a considerable association, according to a detailed data analysis of the study's many components. Furthermore, the research shows a strong connection between organizational innovation and knowledge storage. The results of the study also revealed a strong link between organizational innovation and information distribution. The study also found a strong link between knowledge application and business innovation within organizations. In other words, the study found that management should be skilled at translating new and/or enhanced products, services, and strategies from acquired knowledge and expertise. In view of the above, the study concluded that competitiveness can only be achieved through innovation when the organization can successfully acquire, store, disseminates and applies knowledge. The study recommends thus; fast food outlets should create different mechanisms that will facilitate the acquisition of Knowledge from both internal and external sources. Fast food outlets through flyers and handbills should inform the public on their products. The management of this and other fast food restaurants should be adapt at transforming learned info
Knowledge Management, Organizational, Organizational Quality Service, Management and Quality Service Delivery
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