IIARD International Journal of Economics and Business Management (IJEBM )

E-ISSN 2489-0065
P-ISSN 2695-186X
VOL. 9 NO. 7 2023
DOI: 10.56201/ijebm.v9.no7.2023.pg13.27

Effect of Stakeholder Involvement on Project Management Success in Nigeria's Fast-Moving Consumable Goods Industry

ADELUGBA, Iyabode Abisola


In the FMCG sector of Nigeria, the study examined the impact of stakeholder participation on project management success. The study was simplified in order to assess the degree to which stakeholder engagement, support, and involvement effect project goals for a set of fast-moving consumer products in Nigeria. The study's qualitative design involved choosing seven FMCG companies in Nigeria: Dangote Sugar Plc, Nigerian Breweries Plc, Nestle Plc, Cadbury Nig Plc, Nigerian Breweries, Guiness Nig Plc, and Unilever Nig Plc. In order to create a cross-sectional period of 70 observations, secondary data on stakeholder involvement, support, and participation as well as the accomplishment of project objectives were sourced and gathered from yearly financial statement of account and Business Source Premier from 2013–2022. The data were subjected to panel regression analysis, and the results demonstrated that among a group of selected FMCGs in Nigeria, stakeholder involvement and participation have positive and significant effects on project goals, whereas stakeholder support has a negative and insignificant impact. Thus, it is concluded that one of the elements influencing project management performance in Nigeria's FMCG business is stakeholder involvement and participation


Stakeholder involvement, Support, Participation, Success, Project management, Fast-moving consumable goods, Nigeria


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