E-ISSN 2504-4766
P-ISSN 2682-5910
VOL. 7 NO. 2 2023

Enterprise Resource Planning System and Productivity of Main Stream Oil and Gas Companies in Rivers State

Ikegwuru Mac-Kingsley (PhD)


This study focused on enterprise resource planning system and productivity of mainland oil and gas companies in Rivers State of; exclusively to establish the influence of enterprise resource planning system on productivity. The study adopts the positivist ontological realism philosophy, a survey methodology, quantitative technique, and questionnaire and a data collection technique. The population of the study is drawn from the eleven (11) mainstream oil and gas companies quoted on the Nigerian Stock Exchange. The population is also understood as the sample size, since it is less than 30. A census sampling method was therefore adopted for the study, and entire 11 listed mainstream oil and gas companies on the Nigerian stock exchange were accepted as sample size of the study. The simple random sampling technique was adopted for the study however; the number of participants in the study was fifty-five (55), on a sample frame of five (5) respondents per firm. The primary data collection method was a structured questionnaireof which 55 copies of it were distributed to the respondents. Of the 55 copies of questionnaire that were distributed to the respondents, 53 copies were returned useful, yielding a response rate of 93 percent. Hence, these 53 copies were used for the analysis. Data was analyzed using quantitative techniques, and the findings presented in the frequency distribution tables and charts while, the hypotheses were tested by means of simple regressions analysis to investigate the effect of enterprise resource planning system on productivity. The results disclosed that enterprise resource planning has a moderate positive and significant influence on total factor productivity and social productivity. Based on the findings, the study concludes that enterprise resource system significantly influence productivity of main land oil and gas companies in Rivers State, and recommends that, mainland oil and gas companies


Enterprise resource planning system, Productivity, Social productivity, Total factor productivity


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