E-ISSN 2550-7125
P-ISSN 2682-5902
VOL. 7 NO. 3 2023

Periscoping Public Sector Financial Management Performance in Nigeria: Rivers State in Perspective

Osirim, Monday (PhD), Wadike, C. George (PhD) & Idatoru, A. Roberts (PhD)


This paper assesses public sector financial management of Rivers State for 2018 and 2019 financial year using the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria Accountability Index parameters (ICAN-AI). Qualitative research design was adopted to gain deep insight into the tenets of public financial management in Rivers State in particular and Nigeria in general. This paper which is theoretical in nature basically draws its arguments from secondary data and other related publications. Statistical data were also used where appropriate as empirical evidence gleaned from ICAN-Accountability Index. Besides, public financial management (PFM) frameworks were adopted. The findings indicate that public accountability and access to public financial information is very low in Rivers State. The study concludes that effective accountability and public financial management could influence good governance and public service delivery in Rivers State; hence it was recommended that Rivers State Government should induce reforms that could make the State to be more accountable and transparent in the formulation and implementation of its budget as well as grant quick access to relevant public financial information.


Accountability, Transparency, Probity, Public Financial Management (PFM)


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