E-ISSN 2545-5729
P-ISSN 2695 2416
VOL. 9 NO. 2 2023

Personal Variables and Job Performance of Health Workers in Northern Sentorial District of Cross River State, Nigeria

Adie, Justine Akunke


Although both researchers and practitioners are aware that an employee's performance changes during the course of a work, this personal variable and job performance variability is poorly understood and is frequently viewed as error. In the current study, which aimed to investigate the significant influence of personal variable on health workers job performance. Three objectives, research questions and hypothesis was raised for the study. Stratified sampling technique was used to select 118 health workers that was used for the study. The result of the findings was that gender, years of experience and health workers highest educational significantly influenced the health workers job performance. In conclusion, health workers employee who wish to have maximum performance from the staffs should make sure to employ staffs with the right qualification. Finally it was recommended that health workers should try as much as possible to work on the personal factors so as to be very productive in their place of work or assignment. Key words: personal variables, job performance, health workers


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