Journal of Accounting and Financial Management (JAFM )

E-ISSN 2504-8856
P-ISSN 2695-2211
VOL. 9 NO. 9 2023

Assessing The Level of Corruption in the Public Sector in Nigeria. A Study of Gombe State Public Service

Taimin, Audu Ardo, Salisu Auwalu, Macmilan Ahmadu


This study seeks to assess the level of corruption in the public sector in Nigeria, with a focus on the public service in Gombe State. The research aims to identify the factors that contribute to corruption in the Gombe State public service, as well as potential ways to reduce its prevalence. A comprehensive review of the existing literature is conducted, wherein the causes of corruption in public offices in Nigeria are discussed. Data collected from both primary and secondary sources, such as surveys and interviews, is analyzed to understand the prevalence and nature of corruption in the Gombe State public service. Descriptive analysis is used to understand the underlying relationships between the various factors that contribute to corruption. The results from this analysis are discussed to identify key areas where corruption can be reduced. The findings from the study are expected to be of benefit to the public service in Gombe State, as well as to the nation as a whole.


Corruption, Public Sector, Nigeria, Gombe State.


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