E-ISSN 2579-0536
P-ISSN 2695-2696
VOL. 6 NO. 2 2023

Assessment of Radionuclide Concentrations in Oil Producing Communities in Bayelsa West Senatorial District, Bayelsa State, Nigeria

Okevwemeke Moses Oghenerukevwe, Gregory O. Avwiri, Ezekiel O. Agbalaga


An assessment of radionuclide concentration in oil producing areas in Bayelsa West Senatorial District, Bayelsa State have been evaluated. In this study, a total of twenty five (25) soil, samples were collected for laboratory analysis. The survey was achieved using a factory calibrated Gamma Scout radiation meter and a Gamma Spectroscopy with Sodium Iodide (NA(TI) Detector used for counting and detection of radionuclide contentration of all samples. The results obtained in the study showed that the average concentrations for 40 K, 238 U and 232 Th in soil samples are valued at 520.888 ± 134.119 ???? ?1 , 18.495 ± 4.983 ???? ?1 and 11.463 ± 2.472 ???? ?1 respectively. The ?? ?? has an average value of 74.675 ± 16.934 ???? ?1 . The ? ?? has an average value of 0.21 ± 0.049 while the average value of ? ?? is 0.26 ± 0.064 which falls below the permissible level. The absorbed dose rate (D) due to 40 K, 238 U and 232 Th in soil samples has an average of 37.23 ± 8.692 ???? ?1 . This was also below the world average of 60???? ?1 . Annual effective dose equivalent (AEDE) has an average value of 45.66 ± 10.654 µ??? ?1 . This was also below the world average value. Annual Gonadal Equivalent Dose (AGED) and Representative Gamma Index (? ? ) were valued at 269.13 ± 63.095 ???? ?1 and 0.59 ± 0.117 respectively. Generally, the obtained value of 40 K was higher than the permissible level while 238 U and 232 Th where lower than the recommended standard value of 400 ???? ?1 , 33 ???? ?1 and 35 ???? ?1 (UNSCEAR, 2000). Therefore, the use of the soil for industrial and domestic poses no radiological threat to human health.


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