Journal of Accounting and Financial Management (JAFM )

E-ISSN 2504-8856
P-ISSN 2695-2211
VOL. 9 NO. 8 2023

Green Accounting: A Fundamental Pillar of Corporate Sustainability Reporting

Ahmed Abubakar Zik-Rullahi, Ph.D, Ibikunle Jide


In the evolving landscape of corporate sustainability, green accounting emerges as a pivotal framework that underpins effective and comprehensive sustainability reporting. This study encapsulates an exploration into the significance, challenges, and benefits of green accounting as a fundamental pillar of corporate sustainability reporting. The Objective of the study was to delved into the essence of green accounting within the context of corporate sustainability reporting, unravelling its role in quantifying and communicating the environmental impact of business operations. The study adopted exploratory research design, by employed a secondary data approach, specifically employing content analysis, to address the paucity of empirical research on the application of environmental accounting and reporting. The findings revealed the moderate integration of green accounting and sustainability reporting was observed across diverse industries. Reporting frameworks such as GRI and TCFD were commonly adopted, indicating a push for standardized reporting. Diverse Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) were utilized, reflecting the multifaceted nature of sustainability. Stakeholder engagement emerged as a critical factor in ensuring accurate and relevant reporting. Recommendations there should be more emphasis on data integrity, a robust stakeholder engagement, customization of frameworks, valuation solutions to develop reliable methods for valuing environmental assets and liabilities, technological adoption, advocacy for regulation, collaborative approach: foster collaboration among industries, academia, NGOs, and Governments to share best practices and accelerate progress. Future research Investor Decision-making, investigate how the quality and comprehensiveness of sustainability reporting influence investor decisions and perceptions. Impact Assessment. Examine the tangible impact of sustainability reporting on driving eco-friendly business practices and red


Green Accounting, Corporate Sustainability Reporting


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