IIARD International Journal of Economics and Business Management (IJEBM )

E-ISSN 2489-0065
P-ISSN 2695-186X
VOL. 9 NO. 6 2023

Corporate Social Responsibility: Is It Corporate Philanthropy or Hypocrisy?

Donald O. Ewanlen, Yuosou, Purumaziba John


This paper examines the attitude of mega corporations towards its fulfilment of corporate social responsibilities to host communities in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. It specifically examines the philanthropic and hypocritical dispositions of these firms. A review of literature and industry practice found stakeholders gross nonchalance in the implementation of corporate social responsibilities in host communities. In particular, the study found firms unwillingness to take advantage of the provision of social responsibility expenditure as allowable deductible tax allowance in Nigeria’s tax laws. Finally, the study found government culpable of negligence in the development of host communities. Contingent upon the developmental effects of corporate social responsibilities activities, this paper recommends that it is expedient for all stakeholders to have a rethink about the attitude of mega corporations towards its corporate social responsibilities with the intent of actualising their developmental roles in the host communities.


Corporate Social Responsibility, Environmentalism, Societal Marketing, Nigeria


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