E-ISSN 2579-0536
P-ISSN 2695-2696
VOL. 6 NO. 1 2023

Assessment of Radionuclide Contents of Sediment in Ngo River, Andoni Local Government Area of Rivers State in Nigeria

G. F. Aman , G. O. Avwiri , & C. P. Ononugbo


Assessment of Radionuclide Contents of Sediment in Ngo River, Andoni L.G.A of Rivers State in Nigeria was carryout successfully. Ten (10) samples were collected at ten different points within the river and it environ. The collected samples were analyzed in the laboratory to ascertain the radionuclide content. The result shows the presence of radionuclide of potassium – 40, radium – 226 and thorium – 232 in the samples. The concentration level of the samples result in the area were found to be 68.48 ± 4.84 BqKg -1 , 23.47 ± 4.23 BqKg -1 and 77.25 ± 12.54 BqKg -1 for Potassium – 40, Radium – 226 and Thorium – 232, which when compared with the world average of value of 400 BqKg -1, 35BqKg -1 and 30 BqKg -1 (UNSCEAR , 2000) respectively, the value for thorium – 232 exceeds the world average values for sediments while Potassium -40 and Radium – 226 are within the safe value. The activity concentration of the sediments when calculated with radiological parameters was within the safe value for Annual Effective Dose Equivalent (AEDE) and Excess Lifetime Cancer Risk (ELCR) while the calculated value exceeded the safe value for Absorbed Dose (D) and Annual Gonadal Equivalent Dose (AGED) respectively. The area is prone for health hazards and risk as many dwellers are exposing to absorbed dose due to anthropological activities.


Absorbed-dose; Annual Effective Dose; Annual Gonadal Equivalent Dose; and Excess Lifetime Cancer Risk.


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