Journal of Accounting and Financial Management (JAFM )

E-ISSN 2504-8856
P-ISSN 2695-2211
VOL. 9 NO. 6 2023

Application Programming Interface (API) And Management of Web-Based Accounting Information System (AIS): Security of Transaction Processing System, General Ledger and Financial Reporting System

Efuntade, Olubunmi Omotayo, PhD, Efuntade, Alani Olusegun, FCIB, FCA


The paper present exploratory research on application programming interface (API), management of accounting information system, security of transaction processing system, general ledger and financial reporting system. An application programming interface, or API, enables businesses to make the data and functionality of their applications available to external third-party developers, commercial partners, and internal departments inside their own organizations. Using a defined interface enables services and products to interact with one another and benefit from each other's information and features. The interface is used by developers to interact with other software and services; they are not required to understand how an API is developed, and neither are the software’s end-users. In short, an API is a contract between pieces of applications serving the main software once integrated into the source code of the main application. These pieces of applications communicate with each other in the language they both understand and over a network if needed. As the name implies, APIs serve as interfaces between programs. The interface is usually between a software developer and software developer’s application. Basically, the API allows one software to access some functionalities of another software. In its development, information systems develop and run well using a web-base so that it can be reached via an online computer network. Web applications have become complex and important for many companies, especially when combined with areas such as AIS. All AIS transaction data will be stored in the database management system and will be used if there is a query data request. Based on the IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standard) document, a proper accounting system must at least include the following aspects (IFRS Standard Requirements): Financial position statement, cash flows statement. Web-based AIS application for recording, grouping, processing


Application programming interface (API), management of accounting information system, security of transaction processing system, general ledger and financial reporting system


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