E-ISSN 2545-5966
P-ISSN 2695-1932
VOL. 8 NO. 3 2023

Monetary Policy Transmission Channels on the Performance of Nigerian Stock Market

Omubo - Pepple Stella Nathan


This study examined the effect of electronic payment instruments and inflation rate in Nigeria. The objective was to study the effect of different electronic payment instruments on Nigeria inflation rate. Time series data were sourced from Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin from 2012 to 2021. Nigeria inflation rate was model as the function of automated teller machine, point of sales, web payment, mobile payment, Nigeria interbank payment and cheque payment. Ordinary least square was used as data analysis methods. The study found that 77.4 and 62 percent variation in inflation rate in Nigeria was explained by variation in electronic payment instruments. From the findings, the study concludes that automated teller machine has positive and significant effect on inflation rate in Nigeria, point of sales has positive and significant effect on inflation rate in Nigeria, web payment has positive but no significant effect on inflation rate in Nigeria, mobile payment has positive but no significant effect on inflation rate in Nigeria, Nigeria inter-bank payment has positive and significant effect on inflation rate in Nigeria while cheque payment has positive but no significant effect on Nigeria inflation rate. the study therefore recommend that, the regulatory authorities should ensure that the application of electronic payment instruments such as Automated Teller machine and point of sales regulated to achieve price stability and low inflation and that the application of electronic payment statistics should be harmonized with the monetary policy objectives of achieving low inflation and policies should be guided to reduce the amount of electronic payment transactions.


Electronic Payment, Inflation Rate, Automated Teller Machine, Point Of Sales, Web Payment, Mobile Payment


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