E-ISSN 2545-5710
P-ISSN 2695-222X
VOL. 6 NO. 1 2020

Evaluation of Heavy Metal Pollution in Edible Larvae of African Palm Weevil (R. phoenicis) in Bayelsa State, Nigeria

Thomas, C.N*; Inyang, I.R and Uwoubengha, E.R


Bioaccumulation of some heavy metals and selected essential elements: Mercury (Hg), Lead (Pb), Cadmium (Cd), Copper (Cu), Zinc (Zn) and Manganese (Mn) was investigated in the edible larvae of African Palm Weevil (APW) (Rhynchophorus phoenicis) from polluted sites and unpolluted site. Cadmium pollution was confirmed by the presence of 0.025 mg/100g to 0.037mg/100g of cadmium in the larvae, above the limit of 0.02mg/100g was hazardous to health of consumers. Higher concentration of manganese (1.804 mg/100g- 2.848mg/100g) found in the larvae was a risk to the health of consumers because it was above the limit of 0.05mg/100g. There was low concentration of zinc (2.79mg/100g-2.89 mg/100g) and copper (0.07.40mg/100g-2.89 mg/100g) below the limit of 9.94mg/100g. There was no bioaccumulation of lead and mercury in the larvae because it contained trace amount of 0.0001mg/100g of both heavy metals, which was below the limit of 0.0006 mg/100g. Larvae of R. phoenic are good biomarkers for monitoring heavy metal pollution in the environment. Effective control and management of toxicity of cadmium and manganese is required to save humans and biota in the affected communities and the environment.


Bioaccumulation, heavy metals, and R. phoenicis, larvae


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