Journal of Accounting and Financial Management (JAFM )

E-ISSN 2504-8856
P-ISSN 2695-2211
VOL. 9 NO. 5 2023

Assets Composition and Financial Performance of Listed Consumer Goods Firms in Nigeria

Mayah Eunice & Ekwueme Chika Maureen, Adejoh Arome Christopher


This study investigated the effect of asset composition on financial performance of listed consumer goods companies in Nigeria from (2012-2021). three research questions and corresponding three hypotheses were formulated for the study. Ex-post facto research design was employed in the study. The population of the study included all consumer goods manufacturing firms quoted on the Nigerian Exchange Group (NXG) (NSE) as at 31st December 2022 with a sample size of Twenty-nine (29) consumer goods manufacturing companies selected from the population sector. The study relied on secondary sources of dataset which was obtained from Annual reports of sampled companies as provided by individual companies, Nigerian Exchange Group (NXG) website and Machame Database ( Amongst other preliminary analysis and tests, the panel least square regression analysis was done in validating the hypotheses. The study found that property, plant and equipment have positive and significant effect on the performance of quoted manufacturing companies in Nigeria Exchange Group; Intangible assets have positive but insignificantly effect on the performance of quoted manufacturing companies in Nigeria Exchange Group; current assets has positive significant effect on the performance of manufacturing companies quoted in the Nigeria Exchange Group. Consequent on the findings of the study, it is recommended amongst others that management of manufacturing companies in the Nigeria should formulate policy that will enhance their investment in property plant and equipment as this will increase the performance of their companies and enable them achieve shareholders wealth maximization objective. The study also recommended that management of manufacturing companies in their effort to enhance the performance of manufacturing companies should increase the level of the of on intangible assets. Increasing the investment in intangible assets would positively enha


Asset, PPE, Current asset, Performance, Panel regression, Interaction


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