IIARD International Journal of Economics and Business Management (IJEBM )

E-ISSN 2489-0065
P-ISSN 2695-186X
VOL. 2 NO. 6 2016

Economic Diversification in a Mono-Sector Economy: The Role of Public Administration



The focus of this paper is on diversification of Nigerian mono economy: the role of Public Administration. It investigates the issues and pitfalls that foisted on Nigeria the mono economy status. It harps that, the disarticulation and disorientation of the various past administration economic policies since Nigeria attained independence is grossly responsible for it. To diversify the economy, Public Administration provides the leeway. This is due to the fact that, policy and programmes that will diversify the mono economic miasma playing the nation will be carried out by officials in the central, states and local governments. Consequently the paper defines the concept of public administration. The paper is explicated with the aid of the political economy approach. It also discusses the nexus between Public Administration and the diversification of the Nigeria economy. Finally, the authors made some useful recommendations/policy prescriptions aimed at diversifying Nigeria mono- economy.


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