E-ISSN 2579-0501
P-ISSN 2695-219X
VOL. 8 NO. 1 2023

The Planting Season Circulation Calculation System of Bilang Allo to the Traditional Beliefs of the Kajang Indigenous People in Indonesia

Basrah Gising


The Kajang Indigenous People are one of the traditional community groups in Indonesia who still maintain the values of their beliefs in daily life, especially forest conservation and maintaining the sustainability of natural ecosystems. They identify themselves as Tu' Kajang or Kajang people whose cultural knowledge, cultural behavior, and cultural artifacts are totally governed by local wisdom institutions, namely Pasang ri Kajang or the messages of the Kajang people's ancestors. They are proficient and able to predict natural circulation in a form of belief called Bilang Allo, which is a form of calculating the time and day that is good for activities. The basis for their calculations consists of counting months or nahasae' bulanga, counting days or nahasae' allo, counting time or nahasae' hetu, the behavior of certain animals, and certain natural phenomena. This study aims to explore the phenomenon of calculating time or Bilang Allo to the Kajang Indigenous People in determining the circulation period of the planting season and nature conservation. The research method used is descriptive-qualitative which describes the research results based on social facts obtained from the Kajang Indigenous People. Data collection techniques were carried out in the form of interviews, observations, focus group discussions, recording, documentation, elicitation, and others. The primary research data was taken from 30 Kajang indigenous people informants with variations in age, gender, status, and level of education. The entire research data obtained was processed systematically in seven steps of analysis. The results of research related to the planting season circulation system of Bilang Allo to the belief system adopted by the Kajang Indigenous People in Indonesia consists of seven parts, namely (1) determining good and bad days; (2) animal behavior; (3) natural phenomena; (4) types and rainfall; (5) location and position of the moon; (6) changes in weather


Bilang Allo; Planting Season Circulation; Kajang Indigenous People.


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