E-ISSN 2545-5737
P-ISSN 2695-2165
VOL. 8 NO. 2 2023

Assessment of Attitude of Health Workers as a Factor Affecting Accessibility to Antenatal Care Services among Pregnant Women at Internally Displaced Persons’ Camps in Borno State, Nigeria

Bala Mohammed Shira, Sagir Abdulkadir, Shehu Salihu Ph.D.


The study examined health workers’ attitude as a factor affecting accessibility to antenatal care services by pregnant women in Internally Displaced Persons’ (IDPs) Camps in Borno State, Nigeria. Survey type of descriptive research design was adopted and the population of the study comprised pregnant women in fifteen (15) IDPs’ Camps in Maiduguri Municipal, Borno State totaling four thousand four hundred and forty (N=4,440). Simple random sampling technique was used and selected 400 respondents from six (6) selected IDPs’ Camps. The research instrument was a researcher developed structured questionnaire which was validated by experts from Physical and Health Education Department, Aminu Saleh College of Education, Azare, Bauchi State Nigeria and the reliability was ascertained using split-half method and a reliability coefficient of .84 (r = .84) was obtained. Data was collected with the help of six female research assistants. The postulated hypothesis was tested using inferential statistics of Chi-square (?2) at 0.05 alpha level of significance. The study revealed that, attitude of health workers negatively influence accessibility to Antenatal Care Services by pregnant women in IDPs’ Camps in Maiduguri Municipal, Borno State. The study recommended that, government should recruit more skilled health workers and provide incentives so as to motivate the health workers to perform their duties effectively.


Federal Government of Nigeria (2009). Legal notice on publication of 2006 census final results.
Federal Republic of Nigeria Official Gazette, 2 (96), B23.

Federal Ministry of Health, (FMOH) Nigeria, (2015) National Strategic Health Development
Plan, Abuja, Nigeria. Retrieved from
http://www.mamaye.or2/sites./defaultfleslevidence/NSHDP-2010-2015. Accessed on 12
February 2016.

Federal Ministry of Health, National Population Commission (Nigeria) and ICF 'International
(2014). Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey 2013. Abuja, Nigeria.

