E-ISSN 2504-6145
P-ISSN 2695-2459
VOL. 9 NO. 2 2023
Bariwere S. Chibor, Maduebibisi O. Iwe. and Nneoma E. Obasi
The objective of this work was to extract and characterize vegetable oils from Allanblackia, African walnut and fluted pumpkin seeds, as suitable raw materials in table-margarine and bakery shortening production. Oils were extracted using solvent (ethanol and hexane) and hot water floatation methods. Using hexane, higher yield of 62.19, 55.04 and 53.94 % were recorded respectively for Allanblackia, African walnut and fluted pumpkin seeds. Melting point and density were respectively 35.43 0C and 0.9145 g/ml, 17.13 0C and 0.9107 g/ml, 18.33 0C and 0.9166 g/ml for Allanblackia, African walnut and fluted pumpkin seed oils. Refractive index (1.4750) of African walnut oil was significantly higher (p<0.05) than those of Allanblackia and fluted pumpkin seed oils. Fluted pumpkin seed oil showed wider plasticity with solid fat content of 44.96 to 0.99 % at 5 to 50 0C. Iodine value, free fatty acid and saponification value ranged from 40.27 to 128.69 g/100g, 0.17 to 0.58 % and 152.03 to 199.98 mgKOH/g respectively. Iodine value of African walnut and fluted pumpkin seed oils were significantly (p<0.05) higher than that of Allanblackia seed oil. African walnut oil contained 15.44 % omega-3 fatty acid. Use of Allanblackia, African walnut and fluted pumpkin seed oils in wide range of domestic and industrial applications, for cooking and food product development is highly recommended, based on their high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-6 and omega-3) which have cholesterol lowering properties.
Allanblackia, African walnut, fluted pumpkin, Physicochemical, Fatty Acid Profile, Shortening
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