E-ISSN 2579-0498
P-ISSN 2695-2181
VOL. 7 NO. 1 2023

Attitude and Perception on Exclusive Breast Feeding Among Nursing Mothers Visiting Specialist Hospital Sokoto

Ogunleye Oluchukwu Blessing, Dahiru Zainab, Monica Markus, Abdulwahab Monsurat, Hajara Ali, Ogunleye Olabisi


The primary purpose of this research is to examine the experiences of mothers who are currently breastfeeding their children. The findings were discussed based on the research objectives and research questions. The population consisted of A total of 250 mothers in the target population who live in or regularly visit the target population’s specialist hospital in Sokoto . The sample for the study consisted of one hundred breast feeding mother with babies from 0 – 1year old visiting ANC clinic in Specialist Hospital Sokoto. Self-structured questionnaire was used. Testretest was used to validate the instrument. Each individual in the population has a probability that is greater than zero of being selected for this sample. Each unit was selected at random with the same chance. The research found that children who were breastfed exclusively for at least six months and two years had better cognitive abilities, were less likely to be stunted or wasted, and were less likely to develop obesity and its related health problems. Breastfeeding exclusively has been shown to improve infant health, which in turn may increase a baby’s lifespan, drastically decrease under-5 mortality, and decrease maternal mortality (less diarrhoea, better tooth and gum development, lower lung infection risk, and fewer breast problems). (day or night). Midwives recommend exclusive breastfeeding for at least two years, with the introduction of complementary foods starting around the six-month mark.


Attitude, Perception, Exclusive Breastfeeding, Nursing Mothers


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