E-ISSN 2579-0498
P-ISSN 2695-2181
VOL. 7 NO. 1 2023

Assessment of Factors Influencing the Implementation of Immunization Programmes in Bauchi Metropolis

Jidauna, Markus Gabriel, Margret, Bala


The study is an Assessment of the factors influencing the implementation of Immunization programmes in Bauchi Metropolis. The specific objective of the study were to find out the factors influencing the implementation of Immunization programmes in Bauchi Metropolis, and to determine the ways to improve implementing immunization programmes in Bauchi Metropolis. The design for this study was the descriptive survey. The population was 6427 mothers and caregivers of which 361 were sampled using simple random sampling technique. The instrument for data collection is a structured questionnaire designed to elicit responses to answer the research questions that guided the study. The instrument was validated by three experts in terms of face validity while test re-test was use to establish the reliability coefficient of the instrument which yielded a coefficient of 0.84. Data for the study were personally collected by the researcher and 3 research assistants while mean statistics was employed to analyzed the data relating to research questions. Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendation were made: Government should re-strategize methods of creating awareness to change bad perceptions and practices on RI among people of the state, Bauchi State Ministry of Education and Agency for Mass Education should collaborate to improve the literacy level of the people, State Ministry of Education should create convenient adult education classes to improve educational status of mothers and Bauchi State government should divert resources specially for girl-child education in the state.


Factors influencing, implementation of Immunization programmes, Bauchi Metropolis


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