E-ISSN 2545-5303
P-ISSN 2695-2203
VOL. 9 NO. 1 2023

Electoral Violence and its Impact on Elections in Rivers State between 2009-2019

Davies Emmanuel Opuene, Ph.D., Nsiegbe Graham, Ph.D. & Ukponkpa Vincent Amoniah


Free, fair and credible elections have remained that fundamental basis for attaining democratic stability. As such when an electoral process is impign it distorts the elections and it outcomes. This paper examines electoral violence and its impact on elections in Rivers State between 2009- 2019. The paper is anchored on the Marxian political economy as its theoretical framework. The design of the paper is based on the sample survey research design. A sample size of 360 was derived from a population of 1,899,041 registered voters in Rivers State, using the stratified random sampling technique on the basis of the 3 senatorial districts of the state. Quantitative data was generated via 4 point scale likert structured questionnaire administered to the 360 respondents. While qualitative data was gleaned from documentary and textual materials. Data was analyzed via simple percentage analysis and via the use of statistical packages for social sciences (SPSS). While the use of qualitative content analysis compliment the method of analysis. The paper concludes among others, that; several arm twisting methods that are employed to rig elections in Rivers State is what leads to electoral violence. And that this has led to several loss of lives and has also led to the disruption of electoral processes. As such the paper recommend among others that there should be special court and agency specifically charged with the trial and prosecution of electoral offenders in a criminal proceeding. And that the trial of such cases should not take more than three months for final verdict.


Election, Violence, Electoral Violence Impact, Rivers State


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