Journal of Accounting and Financial Management (JAFM )

E-ISSN 2504-8856
P-ISSN 2695-2211
VOL. 8 NO. 8 2022

Impact of Management Accounting Techniques on Financial Performance of Manufacturing Firms in Nigeria

Farayola, Ayo Ade, Umar Mahdi ,Alhaji Kawugana PhD


The study examines the assessment of the impact of management accounting Techniques on Financial Performance of Manufacturing Firms in Nigeria. The objective of the study is to determine whether management accounting Techniques can be used as a tool for performance evaluation in manufacturing company and to evaluate the relationship between the success of manufacturing firms and management accounting techniques, also to find out whether management accountants in manufacturing firms employ management accounting techniques in data analysis. Data were collected from primary source and secondary source for the study. However, as a survey study the data for the research will be collected through questionnaire and interview, The research design used for this study is both quantitative and qualitative. The study adopts simple random sample as the sampling techniques. The population of the study was 67 staff randomly selected from the targeted population. The findings of the study show that management accounting techniques have significant effect on the performance evaluation of manufacturing firm. Based on the findings the study recommended that Companies should consult professional accountants and techniques to be used when starting a business to learn about various laws that affect their mode of operations and also to familiarize them self with the variety of financial record that the need to maintain. Based on the findings one can conclusively affirm that management accounting employ management accounting techniques in decision making and that firms cannot do without management accounting practices. Management should adopt techniques that would aid attainment of organizational goals. Techniques employed should be constantly appraised to remove possible areas of weakness


Management, Accounting, Performance, Manufacturing, Firms, Techniques


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