E-ISSN 2504-3597
P-ISSN 2695-2440
VOL. 7 NO. 1 2022

Civil Society Organizations and Democratic Governance in Rivers State

Davies Emmanuel Opuene, Ph.D., Nsiegbe Graham, Ph.D. & Oliobi, Nneka


Good governance has a pivotal role of engendering development and eradicating poverty. And this is brought about by sustained participation of the people in their governmental affairs. This paper examines civil society organizations and democratic governance in Rivers State. The paper is anchored on the liberal theory of civil society as its theoretical framework. Information for the paper was wholly qualitative as such the paper relied on information from secondary sources such as books, journal articles, seminars, newspapers, magazines, internet materials and other textual documents. Impliedly the design of the paper was historical/descriptive. The paper concludes that; the arduous task of development through good governance requires the joint efforts of the government and non-state actors such as civil society organizations. Accordingly, the paper recommends amongst others, the linkages and communication between the government and the civil society organizations and indeed the citizenry should be strengthened by the government allowing or encouraging CSO activities and provides more space and autonomy for their actions.


Good Governance, CSO, Liberty development.


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