E-ISSN 2545-5710
P-ISSN 2695-222X
VOL. 8 NO. 2 2022

Utilizing Biological Tools for Sustainable Environmental Pollution Management

Aniama Salome Ojone


The paper intends to highlight the utilization of biological tools for sustainable environmental pollution management. This is because the constant alteration and modification of environment by man has brought about a negative change in the environment as the failure and inadequacies of developmental process brings about environmental challenges by way of pollution. It is therefore important to bring to bear how biological tools could be used to correct these anomalies. The use of biological methods to deal with environmental pollution can bring about eco-friendly environment and improved economic and financial benefits. Among the recommendations is that educational and awareness programs should be organized to control pollution as good hygienic practices can prevent disease.


Biological Tools, Environment, Pollution


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