E-ISSN 2545-5303
P-ISSN 2695-2203
VOL. 8 NO. 4 2022

Development and Factorial Validation of an Instrument for Measuring Executive Stress among Nigerian Oil Company Workers in Rivers State, Nigeria

Dr. I.E. Mkpaoro, Prof. S.A. Ezeudu


This study was designed to develop and factorially validate an instrument, Executive Stress Measurement Scale (ESMS) for measuring executive stress among Nigeria oil company workers in Rivers State. The study was instrumentation. Sample consisted of 120 executive workers. Four major constructs that constitute the elements of executive stress were identified. The four sub-scales are symptoms and main causes of executive stress, nature of job stress and work-load. 108 items drafted instrument was presented to two specialists and 5 experts for face validation. Ninety items survived the exercise. The 90 items were administered to executive workers in three Nigerian oil companies in Rivers State. Data collected from the field were subjected to factor analysis. 55 items after factor analysis were found to be well loaded. Cronbach alpha was used to determine the reliability of ESMS of 55 items. 0.89 reliability coefficients were obtained for the entire items and 0.86, 0.82, 0.81 and 0.70 for each factor. Further analysis was done to the data using factor analysis, correlation and t- test statistics. Validity of the ESMS is 0.80. Recommendations includes; that ESMS should be use by the Rivers State Education Commission, Directorate of Petroleum Resources, School Researchers, Oil Company Workers among others.


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