E- ISSN 2489-009X
P- ISSN 2695-1908
VOL. 8 NO. 4 2022

Multivariate Analysis of Some Economics Data and Crime Figures in Nigeria

EZE-Emmanuel, Peace


Multivariate Analysis of some Gross Domestic Product variables and crime figures in Nigeria was investigated to determine the important economic variables and crime figure variables that have positive effect on Nigerian society. This study examined the performance of these variables using yearly Crime data betwixt 2012 and 2020 and quarterly Nigerian Gross Domestic Product data from 1981Q1-2019Q1.The methods utilised are principal components analysis(PCA), factor analysis(FA) and cluster analysis(CA) multivariate techniques. Using R statistical software, the data were analysed. This research used three Rotation Methods of the Principal Components Factor Analysis to describe the variability in both data sets. Then, find the optimal number of clusters using four Clusters Identification approaches, and group variables into more homogenous groups. This research was able to identify significant differences between (None and Varimax rotation methods) and the Promax rotation methods of the Nigeria Economic variables data considered, while there are no significant differences among the three different rotation method results for crime data (i.e. large and small sample sizes). The communality and uniqueness of the factor analysis for the economic variables showed that principal components lies between 78.2% and 99.5% respectfully, of the total variability; the communality and uniqueness of the factor analysis for the large sample size (crime variables) principal components lies between 17.7% and 99.5% respectfully, of the total variability while the communality and uniqueness of the factor analysis for the small sample size (crime variables) principal components lies between 18.1% and 99.3% respectfully, of the total variability. This study was able to determine seven cluster groups for the economic variables, also seven cluster groups for the large sample size of crime rate variables and five cluster homogenous groups for the small sample size of crime


Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors, Rotation, Cluster Analysis (CA), Factor Analysis (FA) And Principal Component Analysis (PCA)


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